
Visual Acuity Screening for All

Eye Charts For All Patients

  • Bridging the Language Disparity

    Visual acuity screening is the first component of a vision screening exam. In an effort to remove the language barrier between the patient and care provider when using a Snellen Chart written in English, Eye-Lingual offers charts designed for patients who are non-English speaking.

  • Ensuring Understanding & Accuracy

    Each Eye-Lingual Chart is accompanied by a side-panel with the phonetic pronunciation in English. The panel can be folded such that only the provider can see the lettering. This way, providers can ensure the letter voiced from the patient is indeed the letter written on the chart.

  • Accessible to All

    Eye-Lingual has made each of our eye charts free for use by all providers, trainees, and students. Access to fair and complete eye screenings should not be predicated on language - and is why our PDFs will be available for you to download for free, always.

Eye-Lingual Charts are designed for patients of all languages

Eye-Lingual is focused on empowering and enabling providers to offer full and complete visual screening for patients who are non-English speaking. Inspired by the growing diversity of patients seeking eye care today, we hope our free and growing library of visual acuity screening cards will be of service to providers in all eye care settings.

Contact Us

If you would like to reach out to us, please fill out the form listed here. We look forward to receiving your questions and feedback.